Peer pressure, study pressure, parent pressure, social media, electronic gadgets, home environment, etc is found to affect children’s academic life and also creates behavior problems in them. During this, parents observe that there is sudden drop in study grades, child is throwing anger tantrums, looses interest in studies, avoids going to school, exhibits mood swings, anxiety, panic attack, depressive mood, self-destructive behavior, etc This is the time parents to realize that the child needs counseling and therapeutic intervention.

At Dynamic Consciousness, we provide academic as well as behavioural counseling for children. Our supportive and grace-filled environment helps your child to express their problems and struggles they are facing.

Counseling is of paramount importance as it plays a crucial role in your child’s academic success, emotional and social development and for their overall well-being.

Benefits of child counseling

Emotional Support

Safe and supportive environment for child to express their feelings and learn healthy ways to manage their emotions.

Health Awareness

Helps child and parents recognize issues such as anxiety, depression, trauma, etc

Early intervention can prevent these issues from having a long-lasting impact on your child’s life.

Academic Success

Cause of studies problems, exam nerves, school phobia, performance anxiety, concentration issues, etc. are identified. Sessions are then conducted to resolve these issues and bring academic success.

Behavioral Counseling

Behavioral counseling helps child develop appropriate social skills and self-control to address issues like aggression, impulsivity, defiance, self-harm, low self-confidence, stress, anger tantrums, anxiety, mood swings, etc.

Stress Reduction

Children face stress due to academic pressures, peer pressure, and family dynamics. Counseling equips children with stress management techniques, helping them build resilience and cope with life’s challenges.

Confidence Building

Counseling helps to boost child’s self-esteem and self-confidence. This directly affects their behavior and academic results.

Personality Assessment – 5th to 10th Std
Personality Test is a multi-scale personality questionnaire. It measures your child’s personality traits in 4 areas: Confidence, Sociability, Neurotic Tendency and Self-sufficiency. This is preliminary screening to identify any personality problems that can interfere with scholastic achievement of the child. For example, lack of confidence and sociability can have adverse effect on the child’s school performance
Generic Psychological Assessment– 1st to 10th Std
This assessment is done to understand the general state of mind of the child. This assessment can help to identify any trauma, emotional disturbance, confidence, self-esteem and any other issues that can affect the child’s academics and behaviour. Based on the assessment, parents are guided and informed of any counseling sessions are required for the child.